

The start of a new year is a great time to take stock, looking back on the "roads" travelled in 2017, and most importantly, forward to the 365 days of opportunity before us in 2018. Rest assured, we won't be joining Alice on the random road to "anywhere." In today's blog, I'd like to share five critical 2018 guideposts:

PRODUCT! PRODUCT! PRODUCT!  We see a big opportunity in the marketplace. While there are many furniture importers and marketing companies, no one "owns" quality, and no company is better positioned to stake out this ground than Chaddock, as we control the design and manufacturing process from A to Z.  Our strategy is to continually add MORE quality to our products and eliminate waste. This creates more value for designers and consumers.

 Lead time

 CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: RAPID  Today, the principles of continuous improvement are now engrained in the Chaddock culture. It's what fuels the drive for quality just noted. In 2018, we are picking up the pace. Lead times are a great case in point. Chaddock's 2017 performance was solid. Great is the target for 2018. As we start the year, lead times on standard wood and upholstery are among the best in the industry (at 5-7 and 4-6 weeks respectively). But we can do better - and topple the industry standard. A new Quick Ship program is a great example. Thirty upholstery frames in over 150 fabrics (plus COM) are available to ship in 3 weeks. This is not a static program. MORE product will be added to Quick Ship 2018, including selected case goods! This is just one example of RAPID continuous improvement.


 CUSTOM SIMPLIFIED + EXPEDITED  Designers and their customers want unique customized furniture, and they want it quickly. Chaddock is developing simple-to-specify, nimble programs that significantly reduce custom lead times, currently at 10-12 weeks. How so? A few examples from 2017: Dining Pairings, Studio C By-The-Inch, hardware mix and match options, and a by-the-inch occasional program. These thoughtful merchandising programs - coupled with over 60 wood and paint finishes - allow designers to create unique designs with condensed lead times - and nearly instant gratification!

 EMBRACE DIGITAL  Late last year, Chaddock launched an all-new brand website. We very much appreciate your favorable response to the new site, but know that our digital work is just beginning. The site will grow, expand and improve in 2018. New programs and product info will be added in real time, and we will develop key Chaddock quality and design stories that set our brand apart. Organic search optimization is a big focus, as is improving communications with our blog - like this - as well as email marketing.


  THE TEAM'S THE THING  At the end of the day, it's people - even more than product - that define Chaddock. Our "team" includes valued retail and design partners, in addition to the Morganton associates, and others representing Chaddock throughout the country - and the world. As a tangible example of our commitment to people, Chaddock has helped establish an apprenticeship program in Burke County, our NC home-county of residence. We are partnering with the local high schools and community colleges to develop the next generation of furniture craftspeople and leaders. Stay tuned for more info in an upcoming blog.

Chaddock and special guest Mary McDonald recently journeyed to Louisville, KY, for a weekend of Wine and Design with Lee Robinson. It was an exceptional 3-day event (stay tuned for full coverage coming soon in Editor at Large). We snagged Lee for a one-on-one to learn more about his way of seeing, designing and living. Read on, and you'll understand why Lee Robinson is Louisville's favorite designer. Lee1 CHADDOCK: It looks like the creative world of Lee Robinson is expressed in four glorious lifestyles. Can you tell us, is there a common thread that runs throughout? LR:  Indeed. The common denominator is quality. Simply put, all things of quality work together, regardless of whether a space is modern, traditional or anything in between. CHADDOCK: Let's get personal. What does your home say about you? LR:  Well, you must understand the context, as in all things. My family and I live in a 6th generation home built by the architect Ogden Codman. The house is about family, provenance and legacy with strong traditional English and French influences, all respectfully updated for this new Millennia. I love living with history in the modern world. CHADDOCK: What is the biggest risk you've ever taken? LR: I am the only son born to a family of bankers, and I too, was a successful banker for 14 years. I stepped away as the financial world began to change and consolidate, and to discover the world of design, formally, with training in New York. Most people would say that's risky! CHADDOCK: Second career time. You're starting fresh and saying goodbye to interior design. "I would like to...." LR: It may surprise you, but I might return to the world of finance - investment banking this time. My higher calling is to help people see and realize their dreams. This involves both finance and design. I am keenly interested in new ideas, and a better way. I love to create. CHADDOCK: If you were a CHAIR, what would you look like? LR: Clearly, something Directoire or Campaign, so I could be easily folded up and taken off on new adventures. I would be dressed in a chameleon-like fabric, something that morphs with different people and environments. At the end of the day, I'm a people pleaser. In my incarnation as a chair, I want to be transportable, properly dressed for every occasion, and comfortable - of course! CHADDOCK: There are so many choices for interior designers today. What attracts you to Chaddock? LR: It goes back to quality. Doesn't it always? Chaddock's design aesthetic is impressive, demonstrating a respect and understanding of scale, proportion, balance and classic forms. This is quality design. Chaddock furniture is also beautifully made. My name is my brand. I can't have things coming in wrong or defective. CHADDOCK: Do you have a favorite piece of Chaddock? An item you covet? LR: I love so many pieces, but I do lean toward Mary McDonald Her Antoinette canopy bed is dynamite: Old glamour paired with modern finishes. The Alix side chair is a piece of sculpture, and the Bridgette chair is also a favorite. It's low slung and clubby, but set on brass stiletto-like heels. Mary likes a bit of drama and surprise. So do I. Lee2 CHADDOCK: What's your personal motto, mantra or credo? LR: What's perfect is imperfect, and what's imperfect is perfect. It may sound like a bit of a puzzle, but the point is that design should never feel contrived. Surprises and little oddities breathe life into a room. LEE'S ONE-LINERS CHADDOCK: Is there a rule that should always be broken? LR: What rules? Aren't we all here to make our own? CHADDOCK: What single trait do you most admire in a person? LR: Self-possession. This is the fruit of self-understanding, and gives an individual confidence to be true to himself. CHADDOCK: What is your guilty pleasure? LR: Cufflinks. I have many. It's the one way a man can express himself with jewelry. CHADDOCK: What color do you never tire of? LR: I always say every room needs a bit of black, but today, I'll choose red. It's a fabulous accent color. CHADDOCK: "I can never have too many...." LR: Well, cufflinks, of course, but I'll add silver to the mix. I love an historical piece of silver repurposed in some surprising way. Like my wallet - formerly a Deco cigarette case. Lee3      

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